Monday 26 May 2014

Wipro .Net Interview

1)Temp Table Vs Global Table
2)Fault Contracts in WCF
3)Waht is clustered index and use
4) Delagate and Multi Cast Delegate
5)Deep Copy and Shell Copy Diff
7)Factory Pattern
8) Singleton
9) If U Use singleyon there is no problem when using threading
10)What is Statis constructor
11)How The Request will be handled in MVC b/w "M","V","C"?
12) What is the difference B/W Server.Transfer() and response.Redirect()?
13) J- Query
14)Application Domain
15)Serialization and why we use
16)How do we get all the methods and properties in a object in runtime
17)Application Pooling
18) Which Namespace you will use to get the metada data of DLL
19)once you requested from Home.aspx then how many times Http Handler will call and http modules will called