Thursday 12 June 2014

CGI SharePoint interview

sharepoint hierarchy: spform, spsite, spweb,……splist, splistitem.
Site Definition: Default features which MS provided in Sharepoint create any type of site(Team, Blank, Meeting...) using default features.
Site Template: As simple as custom site, uisng site defination create a site and cutomize the site based on your req, then save as a site template (.stp). Restore the site template on top of the site defination.
new feature to wss 3.0 and moss 2007
mew features to moss 2007 and SP 2010
when you install MOSS 2007 what are the default data bases will create.
ghosting and unghosting in sharepoint
ghosting: no customization (Data will store in file system)
unghosting: customization of site definition (Data will store in content DB)