Wednesday 12 November 2014

Polaris Sharepoint Interview

• What is Office 365 , SharePoint online?
• How does  SharePoint online actually work?
• What is the use of SQL server in SharePoint & use of Virtual path provider?
• What is Ghosting and UnGhosting in SharePoint?
• How can we create a site in SharePoint online?
• How can we Customize a SharePoint Site?
• What kind of ready made functional modules exists collaboration?
• Can you display a simple Custom Page in SharePoint?
• How can we implement behind code ASPX pages in SharePoint?
• What is the concept of features in SharePoint?
• I want a feature to be only displayed to admin?
• How do we debug SharePoint error’s?
• Why customized pages are parsed using no-compile mode?
• Can you explain SPO model?
• How can we use custom controls in SharePoint?
• How can we display ASCX control in SharePoint pages?
• What is WebPart and App Part?
• How can we achieve customization and personalization using App Part?