Friday 16 January 2015

Alternate Access Mappings in Sharepoint

First get your IP or Public URL or Host Name.
Open IIS (Click Run-->inetmgr-->Expand Sites)
Right click on web site which you want to make to Public
Click "Edit Binding"
Select your web site in the new window. Ex: if it is 80 port just select that..)
Click "Edit" option in the new window.
Provide the Host name: which collected in the Step1.
We have done Host name configuration in IIS
Now we have to do Alternate access map in sharepoint Central Admin
GO to Central Admin-->Application Management
Under Web Application
Select "Config Alternate Access Mappings"
Click on "Edit Public URLs"
In "Alternate Access Mapping Collection:" select web application which you have mapped Host Name in IIS
Provide all the Details and Save