Tuesday 30 June 2015

Preserving Session State in Network Load Balancing Web Server Clusters


How to use SQL-SERVER profiler for database tuning


in order to run trace against sql server you must be a member of sysadmin

Provide ALTER TRACE permission for the particular user

USE master

After your work you can REVOKE the access

USE master

Another way to grant rights, login with sysadmin login then open SSMS
~~ Open Security then Logins
~~ Right click on the login name and click Properties
~~ Securables tab
~~ Click Search to Select the instance that required permissions
~~ Under Explicit tab
~~ Select the check box ALTER trace permission and Click OK.

Monday 29 June 2015

Aras Innovator how to check attribute

Open Aras Web UI
Go to Administration--> System Events -->ItemTypes
Search for type of item: Ex: *part* or *doc* or *change*
You will get search result
Now double click it.
You will new window--> Under Properties
You can find all attributes, with name and data type  and data source

Or you can go to DB, and check for below query..
select * from innovator.PART

It should give all Properties names....

Friday 26 June 2015

C# Task Parallel Library

in the above scenario TPL is working fine, but look at below scenario..I use Foreach If you have less data, TPL will not work good. Never use this type of syntax for xml read, it will not work.. Parallel.ForEach(AllXMLNodes, element => { //do something }); https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No7QqSc5cl8

How to change the branch in git

Open Visual Studio
Connect to team projects
Provide TFS Details and connect.
Under "Connect to team projects" you will see Local Git Repositories
You will see "Clone"
Click Clone
Now enter TFS Code path and local path to get the files from TFS
Click Clone
Now you will get all files to local

Now Under "Connect to team projects" you will see Local Git Repositories
You will see some name with tree structure icon.
Double click that, it will give all solutions under TFS.

Now click on Home icon
Click on Branches
You will see Actions
Expand Actions -->Click on Open Command Prompt
You will see one command prompt
Type below command to set one existing branch
git checkout MyBranch

Now click on Home icon
Click on "Unsynced Commits"
Click Sync
You will get all files from "MyBranch"

Thursday 25 June 2015

How do I rename a task in Task Scheduled on Windows Server 2008 R2

Ans: Don't worry you can rename it...

First you can check your tasks under this path
Ex: C:\Windows\System32\Tasks

Open Task Scheduler from control panel
Expand Task Scheduler
Click on Task Scheduler Library
You will see your task

If you want to rename the Task Name, you can't do for existing, you need to import existing task, while importing it will ask name, at that time you can change the name.
Go to this path:C:\Windows\System32\Tasks
You will find your task.
Now go to Task Scheduler Library
In the main canvas, (Middle pane) you will see your old task..
Now in the same canvas right click
Select "Import task.."
Browse this path: C:\Windows\System32\Tasks  (Change to All files (*.*))
Now select your old task.
You will Create Task Window, with Name as old name, now change the name.
Now you will see same task with different name.

Go to this path:C:\Windows\System32\Tasks delete old task.

If you want to change any other properties...
Select yor task , in the right side you can see Properties (Or Right click the task-->Properties)
Click on Properties
You will get new window
If you want to change the user account, click on "Change User or Group..."
Now you can enter new user account.

If you want to change the exe path.
Clcik on Actions in the same window (Which opened when you click on Properties)
Select Action
Click Edit
Now you can change the exe path

Monday 22 June 2015