Friday 30 June 2017

Excel Find all the data which start with XYZ, till next number

Input: Column A-->

Find all the data which start with XYZ, till next number

Friday 23 June 2017

Copy SQL tables in to new data base

I have a SQL DB name Test
table names are Tbl_1, Tbl_2
Now i would like to create new DB with same tables from Test

Create new DB Test_Copy
Create new query from Test_Copy DB
Now run below query to create tables with data

 select * into [dbo].[Tbl_1] from [Test].[dbo].[Tbl_1]
 select * into [dbo].[Tbl_2] from [Test].[dbo].[Tbl_2]

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Excel find duplicate rows

=countif(M:M, M2)

if you get 1 mean, row is coming 1 time, if it is 2,3,4.... mean, duplicate records are there

Friday 2 June 2017 MVC WEB API Angular 2

WEB API, Angular 2

ASP.NET MVC Sample App

ProDinner - ASP.NET MVC Sample App

using .net 4.5, MVC, EntityFramework
CRUD and search operations for entities
very rich and responsive UI (using MVC Awesome jQuery Ajax Helpers)
upload and crop Images for meals (using Jcrop)
mapping entities <-> viewmodels (using ValueInjecter)
Multi-Language User Interface
N-Tier Architecture
Security using Forms Authentication
pagination using "more results" button
Multiple UI themes (using jQuery UI themes)
Unobtrusive Client Side Validation using jQuery.Validate
Nice validation messages using just CSS
tinyMCE as wysiwyg editor
Html Agility Pack for sanitizing html