Sunday 13 July 2014

The password supplied with the AD\Administrator was not correct. verify that it was entered correctly and try again.

Error Message:
The password supplied with the AD\Administrator was not correct. verify that it was entered correctly and try again.
Open SharePoint 2010 Management Power Shell and give the below command.
Set-SPManagedAccount -UseExistingPassword –Identity Ad\Administrator (Domain\Username) press enter.
Cmdlet Set-SPManagedAccount at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
ExistingPassword: ********(Specify the password)
Here it asks for confirmation as
Are you sure you wantto perform ths action?
Performing operation “Set-SPManagedAccount” on Target “AD\Administrator”.
[Y] Yes [A] yes to all [n] No [l] no to all [s] suspend
:Specify as “y”
Next give the below command
Next “resetiis “