Tell me about your project
|What are the path names u provided to Execute u r coded data?
Steps to get the data from oracle to unix Environment?
Difference between having and group by
Difference between case and decode
Difference between delete and truncate
How many types of indexes
What is trigger and types
Diff b/w view and materialized view
Can we update the view
I have one table i created view and materialized view on a table if i delete a table
Can i see the view and materialized view?
Can u call function in same function
Can we use tcl commands in trigger
What is the cursor and ref cursor
|What are the path names u provided to Execute u r coded data?
Steps to get the data from oracle to unix Environment?
Difference between having and group by
Difference between case and decode
Difference between delete and truncate
How many types of indexes
What is trigger and types
Diff b/w view and materialized view
Can we update the view
I have one table i created view and materialized view on a table if i delete a table
Can i see the view and materialized view?
Can u call function in same function
Can we use tcl commands in trigger
What is the cursor and ref cursor