Tuesday 23 December 2014

SharePoint Administration Interview

What timer job is responsible for propogating changes to SharePoint configuration objects across the farm?


Which of the following logs is not intended to be read directly in SharePoint 2010?

Which of the following is not a scope for SharePoint features?

How should the User Profile Synchronization Service be configured via PowerShell?

By default, what TCP ports are used for PowerShell v2 remoting (non-SSL/SSL)?

The AssignmentCollection parameter is available on all SharePoint cmdlets. Which of the following cmdlets actually utilize assignment collections?

True or False: If a cmdlet parameter specifies that it takes a *PipeBind object, it will always be set by output from previous cmdlets in the pipeline.

What downloadable package contains PowerShell and other Windows Management components?

Which one of the following shows a call of a static method?

True or False: SharePoint Service Application Proxies only connect to SharePoint Service Applications (in SharePoint 2010 or 2013).

Which method must you call to persist changes to a SPPersistedObject to the configuration database?

Which of these machine-local groups are added by SharePoint?

True or False: Switch parameters and Boolean parameters are specified the same way in PowerShell cmdlets.

What method must be called to push web.config modifications added to a SPWebConfigModificationCollection to web applications?

What SPN prefix is used to identify service accounts for PowerShell CredSSP authentication?

Which of the following objects are not derived from SPPersistedObject?

Objects from which of the following object frameworks are not treated as first-class objects in PowerShell? First class objects can have their members (properties and methods) invoked directly via dot notation.

What is the root object of the SharePoint object model?

Which of the following are children of SPFarm?

Which version of PowerShell is the minimum required for SharePoint 2013?

Additional details about webs, lists, and list items are stored in a hashtable member of these objects named: