Thursday 16 April 2015

Open Event Viewer and Export logs to CSV file

Right-click the "Computer" icon on the desktop. If the "Computer" icon is not on the desktop, click the "Start" button to locate the "Computer" icon from within the Start Menu programs.

Click "Manage" from the options box to open the Computer Management Tools console

Click the right-facing arrow in front of the group "Event Viewer" to open the available Event Viewer logs

 Right-click the log to be exported, such as the "Security event log." From the available options, click "Save all Events as... ."

Click the down arrow in the "Save as type:" box and select "CSV (Comma Separated Value) (*CSV)."

 Click in the "File name:" box and type a file name and save location for the file. For example: "c:\SecurityEventLog" will save the file called SecurityEventLog and place it on the C: drive.

 Click "Save" to save the CSV file to the C: drive.
 Close the Computer Management Console by clicking the "X" in the upper right-hand corner of the console box.

Open CSV File in Excel and Sort by Event ID

1.Open CSV file. Select column data.
2.Click on Data in the top.
3.Click on Text to Columns

4. Select "Delimited" in the Wizard and click "Next."

5. Select "Comma" and deselect "Tab" under the Delimiters options and click "Next."

6. Select "General" under the Column data format box and click "Finish" to open the Event Viewer log in Excel.

7. Click on the "Event ID" column heading to highlight the entire column of Event IDs.

8. Click "Data" from the menu options at the top of the Excel application.

9. Click "Sort" from the Data menu tab, select "Expand the selection" when the Sort Warning box appears and click "Sort."

10. Click "Event ID" in the "Sort by" drop-down box, specify the sort order by selecting from the available options under the "Order" drop-down box and click "OK."

11. Review the list of Windows event IDs in Excel and save the file for future use.