Tuesday 1 September 2015

Aras innovator The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send

aras innovator The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send


Case 1:
Comment below line.
//if(System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch()) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();  //enable/disable the debugger as required

Since you have added debugger, IIS is not responding. So stop debugger.

Case 2: Your AML is takeing more time to execute, IIS is not responding.
So increase IIS Connection Time-out
Open IIS
Expand Sites
Default Web Site-->Right click "Manage website"-->"Advanced Settings"-->Limits-->
Connection Time-out(seconds)
Change to 600 or 1200

Ideally 3 places you will see time out error in Aras

11.Client timeout – If you have developed any application using C#, then you have to increase the timeout value.
     Innovator innovator
     HttpServerConnection connection = IomFactory.CreateHttpServerConnection(“...”, “…”, “…”, “…”);
            connection.Timeout = 10000000;
            ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime = 10000000;
            ServicePointManager.MaxServicePoints = 4;
            Item loginOItem = connection.Login();

22. IIS timeout -If you are using any AML code, then you may get timeout error, for that increasing website from 120 to 1800
·         Open IIS
·         Expand Sites
·         Default Web Site-->Right click "Manage website"-->"Advanced Settings"-->Limits-->
·         Connection Time-out(seconds)
·         Change to 600 or 1200
33.SQL timeoutIf you are using any AML code or SQL, then you may get timeout error , for that increasing from 600 to 3000
·         Login to SQL server management studio
·         Connect to sql server
·         Right click on sql serveràPropertiesàConnections
·         Remote query timeout give 600 or 1200

Note: It's always recommended to set back IIS and SQL timeout values as is, after completion of your task