Sunday 21 February 2016

Accenture .Net interview questions

Data Structure & Algorithms
c# exceptional handling
Structured Exception Handling in C#
abstract class and interface difference
c# must implement method
c# must inherit
advantages of using interfaces c#
c# stack and heap
c# how to change stack to head
c# how to change heap to stack
c# struct vs class
c# struct data type
c# finalize vs dispose
c# close and dispose
c# generics
c# garbage collector
if i write custom class, should i use dispose or not? Why?
c# using
c# idisposable
c# asynchronous programming
C# how to wait for asynchronous method response in main method viewstate how to hide view state
how to find duplicate values in Array, write logic session management page life cycle global.asax
How can i capture exception in global.asax