Monday 18 June 2018

Aras Innovator filesRevision

This setting controls when the client machine has to refresh all Aras Innovator settings, used whenever there is an update to the Innovator.  This setting is in the web.config file, in the …\Innovator\Client\ directory (Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Aras\Innovator\Innovator\Client\). The setting is part of the chachingModule tag. 

<cachingModule moduleEnabled="true" filesRevision="std" />

 Every time a change is made to the static content on the server (html, images, etc.) you need to change this value from std to 2, 3, 4, etc.  As with any change to production, Aras strongly suggests you notify users to log out of their current session while deploying the change.   Any changes made to the Aras Innovator installation require the following steps to ensure deployment to all users:

Deploy the change to the installed code tree on the server.
Edit the web.config file in the Client folder. 
Set the appropriate filesRevision value:   
  ...    </runtime> 
<cachingModule moduleEnabled="true" filesRevision="2" />

Restart the w3svc service(IIS).