Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Stretched farms are not supported for SharePoint 2013 Preview

Redundancy and fail-over between closely located data centers that are configured as a single farm (“stretched” farm) are not supported in SharePoint 2013 Preview. All servers that belong to a server farm must be physically located in the same data center
What it means is: We can not install SharePoint 2013 farm in more than one different data center.
What is data center: One location where we will configure all server. (One data center mean: single physical building)
In SharePoint 2010, we can install farm by selection some servers from Redmond and some servers from London, will apply load balance using DNS/Network load balance. So that if Redmond server down, London server will pick the request and will give the response.This installation called Stretched farms installation.
But in SharePoint 2013 we have to install farm either Redmond server or London server, we can not install in both data center. So If there is any problem in data center then application will down...

Hardware requirements—location of physical servers

All servers that belong to a server farm, including database servers, must physically reside in the same data center  Redundancy and fail-over between closely located data centers that are configured as a single farm ("stretched farm”) is not supported in SharePoint 2013
Any comments will appreciate.