Tuesday 11 March 2014

SharePoint List View Filter on managed metadata column

SharePoint List View Filter on managed metadata column
Create a list
Add Managed Metadata column. ex: Name :MMD
Go to list settings
Edit MMD Column.
In Display format, select: Display the entire path to the term in the field.
Create a page.
Add List view webpart.
Now you will see all items.
If you want to filter your list based on Query string
Add "Query String URL Filter" web part
Edit Q S URL F web part.
In Query String Parameter Name: enter your query string name
Default Value : leave it blank
Now go to List View webpart
Connections--->Get filter Values From.
You will get popup
In the consumer section select the MMD column from dropdown
Type below url.
Your URL:
http://sp2010/sites/pages/mypage.aspx?Qst= A
You will see list data with filter as A
Let assume if you add A term in child level in your taxonomy, then path will be
now you have to pass your value like this.