Thursday 13 March 2014

Microsoft SharePoint Interview

Microsoft SharePoint Interview

  1. What is the scope?
  2. How will you change the scheduling the scope?
  3. How will you configure search particular files like .pdf or .docx etc
  4. Sharepoint installed on server by default search is configured or not?
  5. How will you to configure search in particular webapplication?

  1. What is webpart?
  2. What is the difference between visual webpart and normal webpart?
  3. When your deployed the visual webpart what are 4 files going to deploy
  4. Tell me the steps to deploy the solution? other than powershell,stsdam tool is there any other way can we deploy the solution?
  5. With out restart the iis can we deploy any custom solutions (webpart)?
  6. What is the difference between sandbox solutions and form solutions?
  1. What is the timerjob?
  2. How will you debug the timerjob?
  3. How can you deploy timerjob in multiple servers(sharepoint servers)?
  1. What are the new workflows and events in SP2013?
  2. When you will use sequentional workflow and when will you use statemachine workflows?
  3. How can we reopen existing sharepoint visual studio workflow using sharepoint designer?
  4. what is the difference between (2010,2013) spd workflows and vs workflows?
Event Receivers:
  1. What is the difference between event receiver and workflow?(steps and real time scenarios)
  2. Hierarchies of event receivers
  1. What is feature?
  2. What is the scope?
  3. What is feature stapling?
  4. Any idea about installation sharepoint server and configuration?
  5. Some questions are real time scenarios