Saturday 26 April 2014

TCS Interview Question

[0]ArrayList ->integer
[Ram]HashTable ->string
->inter face
intrpath to list(pass data)
data view web part
merge 2 list data
read write XMl , read child node from xml
hash table
array list
what is the name space to read repeative table data from infopath
read infopath
how to delete a document from doc library after 1 month form uploaded date
java script in web part
if user having read only permissions , by using elevated if you create a new item in the custom list using object model code what will be the "created by" column data in the sharepoint
Onclint in button
publish infopath
extend web application
in BDC how to do pagination
what is refactor
can we work offline with infopath
what are the drawbacks of BDC
can we update other sql tables using BDC
why w have to use infopath insted of .net aspx