Wednesday 23 April 2014

Introduction to ASP.NET HTTP Modules and Handlers

Introduction to ASP.NET HTTP Modules and Handlers
After endless searching for answers to my handler setup questions, I finally decided to write an all-inclusive set of articles about how someone should go about this. If you find any errors or see room for improvement in any way, please let me know - I will make sure to note any contributions in the "Special Thanks" section. This will be my first contribution to this article-set.
All requests to IIS are handled through Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) extensions. ASP.NET has its own filter to ensure pages are processed appropriately. By default, the ASP.NET ISAPI filter (aspnet_isapi.dll) only handles ASPX, ASMX, and all other non-display file formats used by .NET and Visual Studio. However, this filter can be registered with other extensions in order to handle requests to those file types, too, but that will be covered later.
Every request flows through a number of HTTP modules, which cover various areas of the application (i.e. authentication and session intofmation). After passing through each module, the request is assigned to a single HTTP handler, which determines how the system will respond to the request. Upon completion of the request handler, the response flows back through the HTTP modules to the user.
HTTP Module
HTTP modules are executed before and after the handler and provide a method for interacting with the request. Custom modules must implement the System.Web.IHttpModule interface. Modules are typically synchronized with events of the System.Web.IHttpModule class (implemented within the Global.asax.cs or .vb file). The following consists of a list of events that should be considered when implementing your module:
• BeginRequest
• AuthenticateRequest
• AuthorizeRequest
• ResolveRequestCache
• AcquireRequestState
• PreRequestHandlerExecute
• PostRequestHandlerExecute
• ReleaseRequestState
• UpdateRequestCache
• EndRequest
• PreSendRequestHeaders*
• PreSendRequestContent*
• Error*
The events identified by an asterisk (*) can occur at any time within the request; all others are listed in their calling order.
HTTP Handlers
HTTP handlers proces the request and are generally responsible for initiating necessary business logic tied to the request. Custom handlers must implement the System.Web.IHttpHandler interface. Additionally, a handler factory can be created which will analyze a request to determine what HTTP handler is appropriate. Custom handler factories implement the System.Web.IHttpHandlerFactory interface.
More on Handlers...
When to use Modules and Handlers
With all of the options available in ASP.NET, it is sometimes hard to determine what solution best fits your needs. Of course, it's always best to keep things simple; but, you still need to take evolutionary considerations and experience levels of current and future team members who have a potential of working on teh project into account. Both modules and handlers add a layer of indirection that can be daunting to beginners and/or programmers who are not used to implementing quality designs (read: design patterns).
First, consider what it is that you want to do within your module or handler. Some functions, such as authentication and intstrumentation can be added within modules. Modules should be considered only when there is a need for pass-through and/or intercepting interaction with the request. Alternatively, handlers should be put in place when there is a need to direct functional actions to one or more parts of an application. Probably the most noted use of HTTP handlers is to the FrontController pattern, which allows requests to be refactored and assigned to different components within your application without implementing such changes in every page.
Second, is it worth it? Most applications do not require this level of indirection, which can be hard to understand and/or implement when not documented properly. Some methods, such as the PageController pattern, allow for common functionality to be reused across multiple pages by including this logic in a base System.Web.UI.Page object, and inheriting from this for every web page. When reviewing the PageController implementation, you should know and understand the appropriate use of inheritence. Although certain things can be done this way (i.e. authorization and instrumentation), this is not always the correct means. You should fully understand the pros/cons of utilizing both modules and handlers before deciding on one implementation over the other.
With each of these considerations, and more, the decision to implement modules and/or handlers can be a daunting one. Such decisions should be led by an experienced .NET architect. In the absense of a skilled architect, you will be looking at a lot of leg-work to determine the best solution.
HTTP modules and handlers can be complex. Take the time to fully understand their pros/cons before implementing a solution. I recommend exploiting the experience of software architects whether in your organization or in the community. Whatever you choose, good luck on your ventures. I am finalizing my HTTP handler project, so I should be releasing an article with a sample implementation as well as any recommendations I may have for approaching the job within the next few weeks.
Implementing HTTP Handlers in ASP.NET
Creating the Handler
One of the most important things to implementing your HTTP handler is the management of your URL mappings. Before you look at how the handler should be coded, you should put some thought into how flexible you want the mappings to be. There are countless methods for managing your mappings, each with its own set of pros and cons. For instance, you could technically put them in a database; which would allow you to setup a nice front-end to manage them from within your application. The problem with this is that you'll require a database call simply to find out what page you want to access. This may or may not be adequate. I would assume that the latter would be true in most situations. You should also consider the fact that, in some cases, you may require more than one rewrite or redirect in order to setup your mappings appropriately. For this article, I will keep it very simplistic. We will use the custom app settings section available within the Web.config file. To do this, add the following section to your Web.config file:
Web.config appSettings Configuration
The key is intended to be the requested page and the value is the physical page that will be displayed. Pretty simple. Two important things to note are that, using this simplified scenario, the keymust be and the value should be root-relative paths.. For instance, the above specifies that http://localhost/MyApp/LogicalPage1.aspx will actually map to http://localhost/MyApp/Pages/PhysicalPage1.aspx.
Now that we've defined our mappings, I recommend that you create a configuration settings reader to load and act upon the appropriate mapping at runtime. For this example, I won't get into that, though. This simple implementation only requires a one-line lookup, so there is not much of a need to have the settings reader; however, in a real-world app, I would highly suggest using one for extensibility reasons. I will discuss this more in-depth later.
Creating the HTTP Handler
Now that we have decided on our mapping storage method and have ensured a way to read the mappings (built-in configuration support for now), all we have to do is create the HTTP handler. There are a lot of different ways to do this, so the first thing to think about is: What do you want to do? For this article, we're just rewriting the URL, but for your system, you might want to add application-level logic. If this is the case, I recommend that you create special business objects to handle each logical task that needs to be accomplished. For instance, a LogAction class for logging or a RewriteUrl class for the URL rewriting. Since we will only be implementing a simple URL rewrite, I won't bother getting into the complexities of a separate class.
Before you set forth with creating your HTTP handler, you should take a look at the IHttpHandler interface, which you will need to implement.
IHttpHandler Interface
public interface IHttpHandler
bool IsReusable { get; }
void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context);

There is one property and one method to implement. The property, IsReusable, specifies whether ASP.NET should reuse the same instance of the HTTP handler for multiple requests. My thinking is that, unless there is a specific reason not to, you would always want to reuse the HTTP handler. Unfortunately, I haven't found any guidance suggesting one way or another - at least, not with any real reasoning behind it. The only thing I found was something to the effect of, unless your handler has an expensive instantiation, set IsReusable to false.
The ProcessRequest() method is where you will actually perform the logic to handle the request. Since we're simply reading from the app settings and rewriting the URL, we can handle this in a matter of lines.
HttpHandler.ProcessRequest() Method
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
// declare vars
string requestedUrl;
string targetUrl;
int urlLength;
// save requested, target url
requestedUrl = context.Request.RawUrl;
if ( requestedUrl.IndexOf("?") >= 0 )
targetUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[requestedUrl.Substring(0, requestedUrl.IndexOf("?"))];
targetUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[requestedUrl];
if ( targetUrl == null || targetUrl.Length == 0 )
targetUrl = requestedUrl;
// save target url length
urlLength = targetUrl.IndexOf("?");
if ( urlLength == -1 )
urlLength = targetUrl.Length;
// rewrite path
IHttpHandler handler = PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstance(
targetUrl.Substring(0, urlLength), null, context );
Now, all we need to do is add the HTTP handler reference in the Web.config file. A lot of people have been falling victim to the following Server.Transfer() error because of incorrect handler configurations, so pay attention to this part.
Error executing child request for [physical page specified in appSettings value].aspx
I'll discuss the reasoning behind the following configuration, but for now, simply replace "*/Pages/*.aspx" with an appropriate path that represents all of the physicalpages (this is veryimportant), MyApp.HttpHandler with the fully-qualified class path of the HTTP handler, and MyApp with the name of the assembly, minus the .dll extension. Also note that the handler for the physical pages must come first. These handlers are checked in order, so if you put it second, then the first path that the request matches will be used, which will probably be your custom handler.
Web.config system.web/httpHandlers Configuration
Handling PostBack
Now that we have our URL rewriting in place, it's time to do some real work. Based on this section's title, you've probably figured out that you're going to have some post-back issues (if you haven't already tested that out). The problem with post-back is that, when rendered, the HtmlForm object sets the action to the physical page name. Of course, this means that when you submit the form, your true page is displayed. This is obviously less than ideal for URL beautification. Not to mention it would most likely confuse your users. Well, there are two solutions to consider.
First, you can add a simple script block to fix the problem. This is the easiest solution, but there's one problem: if a user has scripting turned off (as if that is ever the case, anyway), the fix will be nullified. But, in case you still like this solution (I do), add this code to your Page class. If you don't already, I'd suggest creating a base Page object for all of your pages to implement. Then, add this code to the base Page class. This allows you a good deal of extensibility as far as adding common features easily.
Register Javascript
RegisterStartupScript( "PostBackFix",
"document.forms[0].action='';" );
Your second option is to extend the HtmlForm class. This is pretty simple, as you will see below, but it comes with its own issues. The main problem that I have with this solution is that you have to explicitly add the extended HtmlForm object to replace the default HTML form tag. Not that it is hard to do, but it can get tedious if you're creating (or converting) a lot of pages.
Action-less HtmlForm Object
public class ActionlessForm : HtmlForm
protected override void RenderAttributes(HtmlTextWriter writer)
Attributes.Add("enctype", Enctype);
Attributes.Add("id", ClientID);
Attributes.Add("method", Method);
Attributes.Add("name", Name);
Attributes.Add("target", Target);
Each method has it's own pros and cons. They're pretty simple to understand, so the decision shouldn't be too hard. Honestly, you can implement the second option through a base Page class, but that adds a lot more complexity to your system then you're probably looking for. Explore your options and be innovative.
Redirect, Transfer or Rewrite?
Earlier, we implemented a URL rewriting scheme; however, in some circumstances, you may wish to implement a Response.Redirect() or Server.Transfer() instead. One reason to do this is to forward from Default.aspx to another page, like Home.aspx. You may or may not want to do this "behind the scenes," but that is a decision for you to make yourself. As always, each option comes with its own set of pros and cons.
Redirects are essentially two GET (or POST) requests. The first request gets processed and then the Response.Redirect() sends a response back to the client with an HTTP 302 redirect command. This obviously causes a slight delay as the second request gets processed. Also, since the new URL is sent to the client, it won't be hidden. This clearly doesn't support URL beautification, which is the main reason most people implement handlers. Even though redirects won't solve your problems, they still play an important part in the overall solution and should be considered when developing your mapping solution.
Transfers, unlike redirects, keep control within the application; but, they are still treated as two requests. The difference is that instead of the client handling the HTTP 302 redirect command, the web server handles it. This means that any modules, as well as the handler, will be processed twice . There are three key things to remember when using transfers: (1) the Request object, and all of its properties and methods, will reflect the initial request (logical page) and not the physical page; (2) post-back will not work; and, (3) in order to use the transfer you have to have two handlers specified in the Web.config file. There might be a way to get the post-back to work, but I don't know what that would entail. Perhaps I will delve into the ASP.NET request process fully one day. As for the two handler issue, let me explain that in a bit more detail. As you may remember from above, you specified two handlers in the Web.config file. The reason for this is because after the Server.Transfer() is executed, ASP.NET will send the second request back through the handler. I'm not completely sure why this is a problem, but it is. So, to fix it, you need to have some way to identify what requests should be handled by ASP.NET's default handler and which should be handled by yours. I attacked this by putting all of my physical pages in a Pages directory. So, by re-adding the default handler to handle all requests to "*/Pages/*.aspx", we tell ASP.NET how to support each type of request. As I also mentioned before, this will fix the the "Error executing child request" error.
Rewrites provide the best performance because there is no back-tracking to re-handle requests. You simply change the URL and continue on with the request processing. Know that accessing the Request object will now reflect the new (physical) URL and you will not have access to the old (logical) URL. You can get around this by adding custom variables to the HttpContext, but that shouldn't be necessary for most situations.
To add support for redirects and transfers, we can simply change our Web.config file by prepending "redirect.", "transfer.", or "rewrite." to identify how we want the request handled. Then, update the IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest() method to treat them accordingly.
HttpHandler.ProcessRequest() Method
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
// declare vars
string requestedUrl;
string targetUrl;
int urlLength;
// save requested, target url
requestedUrl = context.Request.RawUrl;
if ( requestedUrl.IndexOf("?") >= 0 )
targetUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[requestedUrl.Substring(0, requestedUrl.IndexOf("?"))];
targetUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[requestedUrl];
if ( targetUrl == null || targetUrl.Length == 0 )
targetUrl = requestedUrl;
// handle type
if ( targetUrl.StartsWith("redirect.") )
else if ( targetUrl.StartsWith("transfer.") )
// if type is specified, remove it
if ( targetUrl.StartsWith("rewrite.") )
targetUrl = targetUrl.Substring(8);
// save target url length
urlLength = targetUrl.IndexOf("?");
if ( urlLength == -1 )
urlLength = targetUrl.Length;
// rewrite path
IHttpHandler handler = PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstance(
targetUrl.Substring(0, urlLength), null, context );
Well, congratulations on your first HTTP handler implementation. There is plenty of room for improvement, so try to think of how you can manage the mappings to add more than just a simple URL rewriting scheme. One thing that you might want to consider is a post-back processing component. Yes, post-back is handled by ASP.NET, but performance can be increased by removing that overhead. Anyway, my point is that there are a lot of things you can do to improve this simple implementation. I encourage you to add to this and let me know how well it works out for you. I'd be interested to hear some of the things people are doing with handlers. Good luck!
Http Handlers to handle Images
In this article i am going to create an http Handler which is used to resize my images and display it .
What are HTTP Handlers?
HTTP handlers are the .NET components that implement the System.Web.IHttpHandler interface, they can act as a target for the incoming HTTP requests and can be called directly by using their file name in the URL.
HTTP handlers implement the following two methods:
1) ProcessRequest: called to process http requests and
2) IsReusable which indicates whether this instance of http handler can be reused for fulfilling another requests of the same type.
In your website Add new Item Generic Handler and name it as ImageHandler.ashx
Here is ImageHandler.ashx file
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;
public class ImageHandler : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string sImageFileName = "";
int iThumbSize = 0;
decimal dHeight, dWidth, dNewHeight, dNewWidth;
sImageFileName = context.Request.QueryString["img"];
iThumbSize = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["sz"]);
System.Drawing.Image objImage = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("Image Path" + sImageFileName));
if (sImageFileName != null)
if (iThumbSize == 1)
dHeight = objImage.Height;
dWidth = objImage.Width;
dNewHeight = 120;
dNewWidth = dWidth * (dNewHeight / dHeight);
objImage = objImage.GetThumbnailImage((int)dNewWidth, (int)dNewHeight, new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(callback), new IntPtr());
if (iThumbSize == 2)
dHeight = objImage.Height;
dWidth = objImage.Width;
dNewHeight = 200;
dNewWidth = dWidth * (dNewHeight / dHeight);
objImage = objImage.GetThumbnailImage((int)dNewWidth, (int)dNewHeight, new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(callback), new IntPtr());
MemoryStream objMemoryStream = new MemoryStream();
objImage.Save(objMemoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
byte[] imageContent = new byte[objMemoryStream.Length];
objMemoryStream.Position = 0;
objMemoryStream.Read(imageContent, 0, (int)objMemoryStream.Length);
context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
private bool callback()
return true;
public bool IsReusable
return false;
Following is the way to write it..