Thursday 24 April 2014

Remove Field from New Form, Edit Form or Display Form in SharePoint 2013

Remove Field from New Form, Edit Form or Display Form in SharePoint 2013
Add-PSSnapin -Name microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
spweb = Get-SPWeb "https://sp2010/"
splist = spweb.lists["MYList"]
spfield = splist.fields["MYField Name"]
spfield.showindisplayform = false
spfield.showineditform = false
spfield.showinnewform = false
Another way is...
<Field Type="HTML"
DisplayName="MYField Name"
StaticName="MYField Name"
Name="MYField Name"
ShowInDisplayForm = "FALSE"
ShowInEditForm = "FALSE"
ShowInNewForm = "FALSE"/>
If you want to show in any of the pages, the set as TRUE